Advantages of Attractive Juicing Equipment

by Polina


Zumex versatile pro

If you are a restaurant or juice bar the last think you want is an ugly juicer, especially if you want people to use it.

Two standout brands in this arena are Zumex and Zummo, with models like the Zumex Essential Pro and the Zummo Viva leading the pack. Let’s explore why investing in such attractive juicing equipment can be a game-changer for your business.

Zumex Juicer

Enhanced Customer Experience

The first thing to note about high-quality juicing equipment like the Zumex Essential Pro and the Zummo Viva is their ability to enhance the customer experience. These machines don’t just juice; they perform. Watching fruits and vegetables being transformed into fresh juice adds an element of theatre to the customer experience.

This transparency not only entertains but also instills confidence in the freshness and quality of the drink being served.


Boosted Sales Through Visual Appeal

There’s no denying that attractive, modern equipment draws the eye. The sleek design and sophisticated appearance of machines like the Zumex Essential Pro and the Zummo Viva serve as a magnet for customers.

The novelty of watching a high-tech juicer in action can intrigue passersby, turning them into customers. Moreover, businesses report significant increases in juice sales after upgrading to these visually appealing models, with the action of the machines themselves becoming a form of advertisement.


juice bar guy


Branding and Positioning

Using premium juicing equipment can also play a vital role in your establishment’s branding. Offering a live juicing experience with top-of-the-line equipment like Zumex and Zummo models positions your brand as one that values quality, innovation, and customer engagement.

It’s a statement that you’re willing to invest in the best to provide the best, setting you apart from competitors who may use less engaging, lower-end juicers.


Operational Efficiency

Beyond aesthetics, models like the Zumex Essential Pro and the Zummo Viva boast operational efficiency that can streamline your service. Fast, consistent, and capable of handling high volumes of fruit, these machines reduce wait times and enhance customer satisfaction.

Their ease of use and maintenance also mean that your staff can focus more on customer service and less on the intricacies of machine operation.

good looking juicer

Sustainability and Health

In today’s market, consumers are increasingly drawn to businesses that prioritize sustainability and health.

Premium juicers from Zumex and Zummo are designed with these values in mind. They often feature energy-efficient operations and are built to last, reducing waste and the need for frequent replacements. Moreover, by showcasing the fresh and natural juicing process, you underscore your commitment to providing healthy, wholesome options to your customers.



The choice of juicing equipment in your establishment can have far-reaching effects on your business’s success.

Models like the Zumex Essential Pro and the Zummo Viva offer more than just a means to extract juice; they provide a comprehensive solution that enhances the customer experience, boosts sales through visual appeal, supports your branding efforts, ensures operational efficiency, and aligns with health and sustainability goals.

In the competitive landscape of the food and beverage industry, investing in attractive, high-quality juicing equipment is not just an operational decision—it’s a strategic move towards greater success.