Fruit Infused Water – What you need to know

by Polina

Fruit infused water

Fruit infused water is the new craze in the health food world, and can be an easy cash cow for juice bars, bottling operations, restaurants, health food stores and supermarkets. This article will explain how easy it to make as well as all the benefits for your customers.

Making fruit infused water is simple!

  1. 1) Use cold or room temperature, filtered water (See Apiqe water system). The same rule in juicing applies; you want to avoid any heat as it destroys essential nutrients in the fruit.
  2. 2) Select the fruits you wish to use. Almost any fruit can be infused, and you can either create your own mix with your favorites or search for ideas online. Most fruits can be cut in any way, except that hard fruits should be cut thin, and leafy greens should be torn.
  3. 3) Place the fruit at bottom of pitcher, and weigh the fruit down with ice. Add water and allow the fruit to “infuse” for no more than 2 hours, as after this point bacterium may start to form.

The health benefits of fruit infused water are many, making it one of the healthiest beverage choices.
Water is the most essential item in any diet. Most people are simply not getting enough. The amazing flavor and beautiful presentation help your customers get all the advantages of having enough water in your diet.

  • Water makes up 60% of our bodies, and every cell needs water to function properly.
  • Drinking water naturally boosts your metabolism
  • Loss of just 2% of water can lead to a noticeable effect on athletic abilities
  • Boosts both brain function and mood
  • Helps the body flush toxins
  • Helps with digestion
  • Helps keep your skin looking young and healthy and slows the aging process
  • Reduces muscle fatigue
  • Raises metabolic rate
  • Drinking water before a meal helps you feel more satiated

In addition to the many benefits of water, fruit infused water has many added benefits, including:

  • Adding essential nutrients to your diet
  • Gives the body more nutrients, replacing sports drinks.
  • Adds great taste, which makes drinking your daily requirement of water easier

apiqe pictureWe recommend our Apiqe water system to get the high quality filtered water to start the process. The Apiqe water system uses the Actifilter Six which combines state-of-the-art mechanical separation, chemical and physical reactions to provide an effective barrier against contaminants while keeping beneficial minerals in your water intact providing refreshing and delicious drinking water. We also have alkaline options available. Talk to one of our experts to learn more!