Who Said SUGAR Can’t Be Healthy?

by Polina

Sugar Cane

Sugarcane is neither a fruit nor a vegetable, but a grass which has been used by man for over 2,500 years. Cane juice is high in nutritional value and low in calories. Served over crushed ice with a touch of lime or ginger, tastes delicious. Sugarcane juice is sold all over the world and most times consumers choose not to have a glass simply because its name contains the word “SUGAR”





Did you know that drinking sugarcane juice has many health benefits?

-Restores Energy
-Boost Protein Levels
-Maintains Kidney Health (when diluted)
-Boost Immunity System
-Digestive Aid
-Protects against tooth decay

Who would have ever thought that sugarcane juice would be such a great health benefit after all? This is why Freshly Squeezed is proud to introduce a new addition to our juicer family – the FS-Sugar sugarcane juicer. Manufactured in the USA, FS-Sugar has 3 rollers, a built in circuit breaker and will give you up to 99% yield.

The FS-Sugar is available in many different colors and is compact enough to be placed where your customers will watch in amazement as it produces glass after glass of refreshing healthful cane juice.

Next time you see a sugarcane juice vendor in your city be sure to stop on by and enjoy a glass of this delicious juice.